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Welcome is every one of you to this blog, created to Youth of Getsemani Church and the world, a Youth Enthusiastic and full of the Holy Spirit.

English Section


What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? Mattew 27:22
His conduct was irreproachable. In addition, he was a bright young man. And rich. Could not be better! You could almost say it was "the envy" of the neighborhood. Nobody knew was that in the depths of their heart, there was a huge void.

One day this young man saw the Lord bless children. The scene was so moved that he ran over and knelt before him. Then he asked the question that was burning inside:
-Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? (Mark 10:17).
The Lord's answer was blunt:
-If you would enter life, obey the commandments (Matt. 19:17).
However, obedience was not the young man wanted to hear. Precisely that was his problem! In his opinion, had obeyed all his life and yet, I felt a huge spiritual vacuum.
'All these I have kept,' said the young man. What am I missing? (Verse 20).
"What else am I missing?" With this question, the young man revealed that for him, "obey" God meant "behave". Not that our good works do not matter, but more important the reason that drives: love for God and neighbor, not love of self.

To show the young what the true obedience, Jesus went straight to the point:
-If thou wilt be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven. Then come and follow me (v. 21).
The test was too hard: "When the young man heard this, he went away sad because he had great wealth" (verse 22). By giving more importance to their possessions than God, the young man showed that he had not really kept all the commandments. Worse, showed what his real god: Wealth!
What a sad ending to your story! Can we imagine all the potential that the boy might have developed? Does all the good he could have done to humanity? However, today it only ashes remain. His riches the others enjoyed. And all that was wrong in the most important decision: "Who will take the first place in my life?". Can you answer this question now?

Prayer: "Dear God, in the place of honor in my heart, now and forever.

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